How to
study in USA


to US higher education


US higher
education was founded in 1636, as the first college in the British Americas,
although this was later split into many separate colleges. Many of these
colleges share a common history, and a system of admission tests. They have
shared a common currency, the Universal Tuition Payment, which was adopted by
most higher education institutions in 1798. The goal of tuition payment is to
keep tuition low in an effort to make higher education affordable to all.


of California at Berkeley is perhaps the oldest university in America and is a
top destination for international students. Since its founding, in 1868, by Lt.
Gov. Leland Stanford, the University of California at Berkeley has become one
of the top ten public universities in the United States. Its undergraduate
school is renowned for outstanding programs in mathematics and science. In
addition, it has a law school that ranks among the top five in the country and
has produced a long line of prominent legal figures.


One of
the foremost American research universities, Columbia University was founded in
1754 and is the leading research university in the United States, producing
many Nobel Prize winners. Its graduate school is one of the world’s most
renowned. It is known for its liberal arts program, which is ranked third among
leading university graduate schools. The school ranks 4th in the United States
for research expenditures. As of 2004, there are about 42,000 students enrolled
in undergraduate, graduate and professional school programs.


World War II, the G.I. Bill funded the majority of higher education in the
United States. As a result of this, the American higher education landscape
changed significantly. Today, higher education is firmly entrenched in the
culture of the United States. With its affordable tuition payment and academic
reputation, the country is a top destination for international students. In
addition, the nation’s system of admission tests has fostered an elite system
of higher education.


US higher
education is set up to be financially affordable for a student to pursue an
undergraduate degree in the United States. Tuition is relatively low and is
free at most public universities. International students who attend public
universities in the United States pay little or no tuition. At private
colleges, most fees paid by students are covered by financial aid or other
assistance from their parents or their country of origin. At private, nonprofit
colleges and universities, the average financial aid award is $32,900 for an
international student to study in the United States. About one-third of that
comes directly from the student’s home country, while the remaining two-thirds
comes from the institution. The student is responsible for the remaining
$15,500. However, there are financial aid programs and scholarships available
to international students at most private institutions. If the student does not
come from a wealthy family, the amount of aid available may not cover the full
cost of tuition and room and board.


the country’s system of admission tests makes the transition to higher
education in the United States very smooth for many international students, it
is not without its complications. American universities have different
admission requirements for different races and ethnicities, allowing only a
limited number of students to enter each school each year. Admission in the
United States is much more competitive than in many other countries. Acceptance
into American universities is often the first step to the top of many
professions. Graduates of top universities are more likely to find positions at
leading law firms, medical facilities, consulting firms and educational
institutions. It is important for the student to take a year off in the second
half of high school or to live abroad before going to college. American
universities take extensive and comprehensive entrance exams, such as the SAT
(Scholastic Aptitude Test) and the ACT (American College Testing), as well as
an academic interview to determine the students’ potential.


programs are the best preparation for preparing for a college level course of
study. Some universities, such as Harvard University, have students entering as
freshmen without prior experience in school. With its Advanced Placement (AP)
program, which provides a college level course for high school students, many
students at Harvard are able to enter college as freshmen with limited
knowledge of how college works.


The U.S.
Higher Education System


education in the United States is very competitive and rigorous. In many cases,
it takes years to finish a graduate degree program, and thousands of dollars
must be spent to reach a professional level. For many college students, these
costs are out of reach. Although there are many universities in the United
States, most universities are part of a bigger higher education system. As a
result, students attending some universities cannot choose where they attend
school. If a student goes to college in the Midwestern states, he will only
have access to the schools in that area. Not all universities in the United
States allow international students to attend. Some universities that are
nationally ranked such as the University of Pennsylvania, The University of
California (UC) Berkeley and Boston University do not accept international
students. Other universities, such as Georgetown University and Dartmouth
College, have exceptionally diverse international student populations.


The U.S.
government provides the student with financial aid to help pay for the total
cost of his/her education. Under the U.S. government’s scholarship and loan
program, the student receives a fixed amount of money per year, per academic
year for four years, and then must pay interest on the amount of money borrowed
during that time. For example, a student who is offered a yearly scholarship of
$24,000 for four years at an average tuition cost of $40,000 will have to pay
$4,400 in interest per year during the four years, or $1,200 per month. The
student must also pay back the total amount of money, or $42,000 at a 6%
interest rate, within five years of taking out the loan. To have better control
over his/her finances, many students are using school loan repayment programs
that are free of charge and have low monthly payments.


Among Schools


student who decides to go to school in the United States may think he/she will
be surrounded by good friends. However, many students attending university in
the United States don’t have the opportunity to make close friendships with
peers. Many students find that they either have a large amount of classmates
and a smaller amount of friends, or that they make many new friends.


students may be very active during the school year and maintain relatively low hours
after graduation. The work they put in during the school year allows them to
graduate with their bachelor’s degree. They often receive a job offer from an
employer on the campus of their university, which gives them a head start on
securing a job.


Life at Universities in the United States


life in the United States can be vastly different from other educational
systems in the world. All of the students attending college are studying to get
a bachelor’s degree, which is the highest educational achievement in the United
States. This goal is what motivates many students to continue with their


students are usually focused on their studies and don’t have many outside
interests. After graduation, students continue to put in a lot of work because
most do not get to continue working at their previous jobs.


and Internship Opportunities


students who are passionate about their field are able to secure work, either
through co-ops or internships. Co-ops typically last for a few months and
students who are part of the organization are given additional responsibilities
and are allowed to go abroad to perform research. Internships, however, can be
very challenging for some students because the companies hiring students have
rigid policies and hiring managers often have very high standards for who they
will hire. For example, many of the employers are startups or technology firms,
which have few openings. Interns at these companies often have little
interaction with the company’s founders or other top-level staff. On the other
hand, many interns have access to the office where the founders work, and
sometimes even the CEO. For many internships, an assignment may also be the
chance to learn a new skill, or work on a project that has the potential to
grow into a full-time role.


Who Hires
University Students ?


There are
a few different industries where students may be hired. Most employers hire
university students for several different reasons. However, for every profession,
there is an ideal candidate who can perform at a high level.


professions have several criteria for who they are looking to hire. A high
school student is not going to have enough experience or knowledge of a certain
field. Employers are often looking for university students who have earned a
bachelor’s degree in the chosen field.


may also be looking for students who are already in the workforce. For example,
someone who has already completed a degree in accounting may be well qualified
to work as an accountant.


some employers may be looking for people who have strong communication skills,
so they are looking for students who already have a working knowledge of
several languages. Many colleges now offer bilingual and multilingual classes,
which can be extremely useful for employment in various jobs.




from university and entering the workforce can be challenging, especially for
students who want to travel and live abroad. If you are a high school student
who plans to attend college in the United States, you can expect a rigorous
schedule and an even more demanding career, as well as a high cost of living.


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